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GK Fitness Expo Bodybuilding Rules


Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.

No profanity or vulgar music allowed and will result in the routine being stopped and the competitor disqualified.

Any competitor performing the Moon Pose will be disqualified.

All competitors will compete in a solid color posing suit with No additional adornments, No thongs are permitted.

Men competitors will compete in posing trunks and Women competitors will compete in a two-piece suit with No additional adornments and No jewelry is allowed.

Women competitors may wear suits with adornments and jewelry is allowed to be worn in the evening finals.

Competitors must wear their number on the left side of the posing suit bottom during the competition.


Men Teenage Classes     
Ages: 13 to 16 and 17 to 19    


Men Novice and Junior Weight Classes    
Under 175lbs – Lightweight    
175lbs and over – Heavyweight    


Men Masters Classes
Ages: 60+, 50 to 59 and 40 to 49


Men Open Weight Classes
Under 145lbs - Bantamweight
145lbs to under 165lbs – Lightweight
165lbs to under 185lbs – Middleweight
185lbs to under 200bs – Light-Heavyweight
200lbs and over – Heavyweight


Women Novice Class - One class  


Women Masters Classes    
Ages: 50+ and 40 to 49


Women Open Weight Classes
Under 115lbs - Lightweight
115lbs to under 130lbs – Middleweight

130lbs and over – Heavyweight

At the discretion of the promoter, these divisions may be split into more or fewer classes. 


Bodybuilder Competitors will be checked in and weighed.


Competition Judging
* The competitors will be brought out on stage in a group.
* Then will be directed to do relaxed and mandatory poses.
* Competitors perform a 30 second routine without music (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge).
* Judges will compare competitors against each other in the relaxed and mandatory posing.


Relaxed Poses
* Competitor will stand flat footed and heels together.
* Arms at the sides.
* No twisting your head must be aligned in the same direction as your feet.


Mandatory Poses
* Front Double Bicep
* Front Lat Spread
* Side Chest
* Side Tricep
* Rear Double Bicep
* Rear Lat Spread
* Abdominals with one thigh flexed
* Most Muscular – Men ONLY


Finals will run immediately after intermission. The competitor will perform up to a 60 second routine, performed to music of the competitor’s choice, but must adhere to the rules stated above. No props allowed.


Judges criteria for scoring the competitors:


Muscularity and Body Condition
* Well defined muscles (visible muscle fibers and vascularity)
* Low body fat
* Muscle Size and Shape
* Muscle Definition and Separation
* Symmetry and Proportion


Stage Presence and Personality
* Stage Presence
* Overall Presentation


GK Fitness Expo Classic Bodybuilding Rules


Classic Bodybuilding is all about symmetry, balance and proportion. Every muscle complements the other in seamless harmony. No part over-shadows the others!!  Words like "freakiest and massive" to describe a physique is replaced with “symmetrical, well-proportioned” and "aesthetically pleasing”.
Competitors are required to wear “Black Classic Posing Swim Suit”. Beach body or board shorts are NOT ALLOWED. See this link for an example;


Classic Bodybuilding (3) Classes            
Class A    
Up to & including 5’ 4” – Up to & including 150lbs     
Over 5’ 4” to 5’ 6” – Up to & including 165lbs
Class B    
Over 5’ 6” to 5’ 8” – Up to & including 180lbs    
Over 5’ 8” to 5’ 10” – Up to & including 195lbs
Class C
Over 5’ 10” to 6’ – Up to & including 210lbs
Over 6’ to 6’ 2” – Up to & including 225lbs
Over 6’ 2” – Up to & including 260lbs


Classic Bodybuilding (2) Classes
Class A
Up to & including 5’ 8” – Up to & including 180lbs
Class B
Over 5’ 8” – Over 180lbs

At the discretion of the promoter, this division may be split into more or fewer classes. 


Bodybuilder Competitors will be checked in, measured and weighed.


Competition Judging Criteria
* The competitors will be brought out on stage in a group.
* Then will be directed to do relaxed and mandatory poses.
* Competitors perform a 30 second routine without music (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge).
* Judges will compare competitors against each other in the relaxed and mandatory posing.


Relaxed Poses
* Competitor will stand flat footed and heels together.
* Arms at the sides.
* No twisting your head must be aligned in the same direction as your feet.


Mandatory Poses
* Front Double Bicep
* Front Lat Spread
* Side Chest
* Side Tricep
* Rear Double Bicep
* Rear Lat Spread
* Abdominals with one thigh flexed
* Favorite Classic Pose (EXCLUDE Most Muscular & Vacuum)


Judging Criteria

Emphasis is placed on symmetry rather than size and EXTREME conditioning!!! It is not a priority to be striated. The judges will be looking for leanness with muscle separation. 


Structural Harmony!! The ideal physique will display an aesthetically proportioned muscular “X” frame silhouette, highlighted with a small waist.


Judges will be looking for the effectiveness of the competitor to display his assets, smooth transitions of mandatory poses and stage presence. Judges will also consider, evenness of skin tone, color and overall grooming.


Finals will run immediately after intermission. The competitor will perform up to a 60 second routine, performed to music of the competitor’s choice, but must adhere to the rules stated above. No props allowed.


GK Fitness Expo Men Physique Rules


Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.

No profanity or vulgar music allowed and will result in the routine being stopped and the competitor disqualified.

Any competitor performing the Moon Pose will be disqualified.

Competitor will compete in Board Shorts. Shorts must be just above the knee and can be up to one inch below the navel. No spandex or logos are permitted on the shorts, however a manufacturer’s logo such as Nike or Billabongs symbols are acceptable. Competitors must wear their number on the left side of the posing suit bottom during the competition.


Men Teen Physique 19 and under (One Class) Held at Promoters discretion


Men Novice Physique (One Class) Held at Promoters discretion


Men Master Physique (One Class) Held at Promoters discretion


Men Open Physique Classes        
Class A    
5’7” and under    
Class B    
Over 5’7” to 5’10” 
Class C    
Over 5’10”

At the discretion of the promoter, these divisions may be split into more or fewer classes.


Physique Competitors will be checked in and measured.


Competition Judging
Comparison Round
* Competitors will be judged wearing Board Shorts.
* The competitors will be brought out on stage in a group.
* Then will be directed to do quarter turns.
* Judges will compare competitors against each other in the quarter turns.


Presentation Round
Competitors will walk onstage alone and perform their “T” walk;
* Walk to the center of the stage, stop and face the judges, then perform the quarter turns with an optional pose of hand on hip or hand in pocket.
* Then walk stage left, stop and do the quarter turns.
* Then walk stage right, stop and do the quarter turns.
* Walk back to center stage, stop and face the judges.
* Then proceed to the side of the stage.


Judges criteria for scoring the competitors:


Muscularity and Body Condition
* Judges will be looking for the competitor who displays proper symmetry and shape combined with muscularity and overall condition. Extreme muscularity will be marked down.

Stage Presence and Personality
* Judges are looking for the competitor with the best stage presence and poise who can successfully convey his personality to the audience.


GK Fitness Expo Women Physique Rules


Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.

No profanity or vulgar music allowed and will result in the routine being stopped and the competitor disqualified.

Any competitor performing the Moon Pose will be disqualified.

Competitors can compete in an off the rack suit and all suits must be in good taste. No thongs are permitted.

Competitor will compete in a two-piece suit and suits do not have to be solid color.

Competitors may wear jewelry. No heels are to be worn at any time during the competition.

Competitors must wear their number on the left side of the posing suit bottom during the competition.


Women Open Physique Classes                                      

Class A                                                                                   Women Master Physique (One Class) Held at Promoters discretion

5’5” and under                                                                    

Class B                                                                                   Women Novice Physique (One Class) Held at Promoters discretion

Over 5’5”                                                                              


 At the discretion of the promoter, the division may be split into more or less classes.



Physique Competitors will be checked in and measured.


Competition Judging


  • Competitors will be judged wearing a two-piece suit.

  • The competitors will be brought out on stage in a group.

  • Then will be directed to do quarter turns and mandatory poses.

  • Mandatory posing will be performed with relaxed hands.

  • Competitors perform a 30 second routine without music

       (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge).

  • Judges will compare competitors against each other in the quarter

       turns and mandatory posing.


Mandatory Poses

  • Front double bicep with relaxed hands.

  • Back double bicep with relaxed hands.

  • Side triceps with leg extended.

  • Side chest with arms extended.

  • Front abs.



Finals will run immediately after intermission. The competitor will perform up to a 60 second routine, performed to music of the competitor’s choice, but must adhere to the rules stated above. No props allowed.



The Women Physique division is a standard between women bodybuilding and women figure.

Judges criteria for scoring the competitors:

Symmetry, proportion, shape, muscle tone, poise, beauty and flow of the physique.

Muscularity with separation without compromising femininity.

The Physique can NOT be ripped, shredded, hard or vascular. Excessive muscularity will be scored down accordingly.


GK Fitness Expo Women Figure Rules


Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.

No profanity or vulgar music allowed and will result in the routine being stopped and the competitor disqualified.

Any competitor performing the Moon Pose will be disqualified.

Competitors can compete in an off the rack suit and all suits must be in good taste. No thongs are permitted.

Competitor will compete in a two-piece suit and must wear high heels, and may wear jewelry.

Competitors must wear their number on the left side of the posing suit bottom during the competition.


Women Open Figure Classes                                                            Women Masters Figure Classes

3 – Classes                                     2 – Classes                                     Ages: 50+ and 40+ (35+ Held at Promoters discretion)

Class A                                           Class A                                          

5’4” and under – Short               5’ 5” & under                                  Women Novice Figure (One Class)

Class B                                            Class B                                           Held at Promoters discretion

Over 5’4” -5’6” – Medium          Over 5’ 5”                                     

Class C                                                                                                  Women Teen Figure (One Class)

Over 5’6” – Tall                                                                                      19 and under Held at Promoters discretion


At the discretion of the promoter, the division may be split into more or less classes.



Figure Competitors will be checked in and measured.


Competition Judging

Comparison Round

  • Competitors will be judged wearing a two-piece suit and heels.

  • The competitors will be brought out on stage in a group.

  • Then will be directed to do quarter turns.

  • Judges will compare competitors against each other in the quarter turns.


Presentation Round

Individual competitor will walk onstage and perform their model “T” walk;

  • Walk to the center of the stage, stop and face the judges before starting the model turns.

  • Then walk stage left, stop and do the model turns.

  • Then walk stage right, stop and do the model turns.

  • Walk back to center stage, stop and face the judges.

  • Then proceed to the side of the stage.



Judges criteria for scoring the competitors:

Balance, symmetry, small degree of muscularity with separation, No visible striations.

Overall Appearance including:

  • Muscle tone, overall firmness and NOT excessively lean.

  • Healthy appearance.

  • Poise and personality.

  • Make-up and Skin tone.


GK Fitness Expo Women Wellness Rules

Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.

No profanity or vulgar music allowed and will result in the routine being stopped and the competitor disqualified.

Any competitor performing the Moon Pose will be disqualified.

Competitor will compete in a two-piece suit, must wear high heels, and may wear jewelry.

Competitors must wear their number on the left side of the posing suit bottom during the competition.


Women Open Wellness Classes                                     Women Masters Wellness Classes

3 – Classes                                     2 – Classes                 Ages: 50+ and 40+ (35+ Held at Promoters discretion)

Class A                                           Class A                      

5’4” and under – Short                 5’ 5” & under             Women Novice Wellness (One Class)

Class B                                           Class B                        Held at Promoters discretion

Over 5’4” -5’6” – Medium           Over 5’ 5”                 

Class C                                                                                Women Teen Wellness (One Class)

Over 5’6” – Tall                                                                  19 and under Held at Promoters discretion


At the discretion of the promoter, the division may be split into more or less classes.



Wellness Competitors will be checked in and measured.


Competition Judging

Comparison Round​

  • Competitors will be judged wearing a two-piece suit and heels are required.

  • The two-piece suit may be customized with crystals, and the top cannot be

       connected to the bottom.

  • The competitors will be brought out on stage in a group.

  • Then will be directed to do quarter turns. Quarter Turns are performed as follows;

  • Front pose: Competitors will face the judge with quads relaxed. One leg should be slightly

       forward with knee bent. The opposite hand should be place on the hip and the other arm relaxed.

  • Side Pose: Legs will be straight with the arm extended down, the torso will be twisted slightly

       towards the judges. The leg away from the judges should be bent slightly and hand on hip. The

       head should be turned towards the judges.

  • Back Pose: Competitors back should be facing the judges with lower back arched. Hair should

       not obstruct the view of the back in the rear pose. Hands should be placed on the front thighs.

  • Judges will compare competitors against each other in the quarter turns.


Presentation Round

Individual competitor will walk onstage and perform their model “T” walk;

  • Walk to the center of the stage, stop and face the judges before starting the model turns.

  • Then walk stage left, stop and do the model turns.

  • Then walk stage right, stop and do the model turns.

  • Walk back to center stage, stop and face the judges.

  • Then proceed to the side of the stage.



Judges criteria for scoring the competitors:

Competitor should display larger lower body muscle development through the hips, glutes, hamstrings, calves and quads. The upper body is developed but not as developed as the lower body. Judges will be looking for an overall toned physique with muscle fullness, shape and proportion. Excessive muscularity, striations and vascularity will be marked down. 

Overall Appearance including:

  • Muscle tone, overall firmness and NOT excessively lean.

  • Healthy appearance.

  • Poise and personality.

  • Make-up and Skin tone.


GK Fitness Expo Women Bikini Rules


Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.

No profanity or vulgar music allowed and will result in the routine being stopped and the competitor disqualified.

Any competitor performing the Moon Pose will be disqualified.

Competitors can compete in an off the rack suit and all suits must be in good taste. No thongs are permitted.

Competitor will compete in a two-piece suit, must wear high heels, and may wear jewelry.

Competitors must wear their number on the left side of the posing suit bottom during the competition.


Women Teen Bikini (One Class) 19 and under Held at Promoters discretion


Women Novice Bikini (One Class) Held at Promoters discretion


Women Master Bikini (Two Classes) 40+ and 35 to 39


Women Open Bikini     
3 - Classes        
Class A        
5’4” and under – Short         
Class B        
Over 5’4” -5’6” – Medium         
Class C        
Over 5’6” – Tall
2 - Classes
Class A     
5’ 5” & under - Short
Class B
Over 5’ 5” - Tall
At the discretion of the promoter, these divisions may be split into more or fewer classes.


Bikini Competitors will be checked in and measured.


Competition Judging
Comparison Round
* Competitors will be judged wearing a two-piece suit and heels.
* The competitors will be brought out on stage in a group.
* Then will be directed to do a full Front and Back stance.
* Judges will compare competitors against each other. Front and Back half turns, No quarter turns.


Presentation Round
Competitors will walk onstage alone and perform their model “T” walk;
* Walk to the center of the stage, stop and do a front stance.
* Then walk stage left, stop and do a front stance, then a full turn and do a back stance.
* Then walk stage right, stop and do a front stance, then a full turn and do a back stance.
* Walk back to center stage, stop and do a Back stance. Do another full turn and face the judges.
* Then proceed to the side of the stage.


Judges criteria for scoring the competitors: 

Balance, shape and symmetry.

Overall Appearance including:
* Complexion
* Skin tone
* Poise and personality
* Overall presentation


GK Fitness Expo Men’s Beach Body Rules


Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.

Competitors should be lean, fit and muscular, but do not possess the muscularity, leanness or vascularity required for the bodybuilding and physique divisions.


Height Classes

Same as Physique


Competition Judging

Men competitors will wear shorts or any type that falls at least midway

between the quads.


Round 1: (Prejudging and Finals)


  • Individual model walk (No props are allowed in the prejudging round).

  • Judges will have the opportunity to score each competitor individually during

       their model walk.

  • Competitors are only allowed to have props during their model walk for the

       final show!


Round 2: (Prejudging and Finals)

  • The contestants will be brought out on stage in a group for quarter turns only!

  • Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.


Judges will score competitors using the following criteria:

  • Muscularity

  • Symmetry

  • Proportion/balance

  • Complexion

  • Poise

  • Overall appearance and presentation.


GK Fitness Expo Women Beach Body Rules


Competitors will perform a 30 second routine (at the discretion of the promoter & head Judge) without music for Prejudging, and then perform up to a 60 second routine for the Finals. Posing music will only be used at the Finals that will run immediately after intermission. Competitors must provide a 60 seconds maximum MP3 file of one song only.


Criteria for Female Competitors (Prejudging and Finals)

  • Competitors will compete in a two-piece swimsuit.

  • Competitors can compete in an off the rack suit. All swimsuits must be in good taste. No thongs, glitter or sequence are allowed.

  • No high heels. Competitor will compete in bare feet.

  • No jewelry, small earrings and wedding bands are allowed.


The contestants should have shape to their muscles but not size, definition or vascularity as in

bodybuilding and physique. If these are present, the contestant will be scored down.


Height Classes

Same as Figure, Be Fit, Bikini and Physique.


Competition Judging

Round 1: (Prejudging and Finals)


  • Individual “T” walk (No props allowed for the prejudging round).

  • Judges will have the opportunity to critique each competitor individually

       during their “T” walk.


Competitors are only allowed to have props during their “T” walk for the finals show!


Round 2: (Prejudging and Finals)

  • The competitors will be brought back out on stage in a group for quarter turns only!

  • Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.


Judges will score competitors using the following criteria:

  • Firmness

  • Symmetry

  • Proportion

  • Complexion

  • Poise

  • Overall physical appearance and presentation.


GK Fitness Expo Champion of Champions Rules


Qualifications for Champion of Champions:
Any competitor (Male Bodybuilding, Physique, Female Figure or Bikini) that has placed top 3 in their divisions in the following events: Mega Muscle Expo, GK Classic Championships or B&S Bodybuilding Championships will automatically qualify.

One must requalify at any one of the events mentioned above if they have not competed within the 2 year eligibility period.

There must be a minimum of 3 competitors in any Champion of Champions class to win full value of cash prize. Otherwise cash prizes value is at the discretion of the promoter.



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